Privacy Policy

LSU Shreveport is committed to respecting your privacy. You can visit official LSUS sites without revealing personal information. Should you choose to provide us with any personal information, you can be assured that it will be used only by LSUS to conduct official university business, and personal information will not be disseminated to an unaffiliated third party.

LSUS uses IP addresses (the Internet address of your computer) to help diagnose problems with our servers and to administer our site. For instance, we run statistical software to identify those parts of our site that are most heavily used and which portion of our audience comes from within the LSUS network. We do not link IP addresses to anything personally identifiable, which means that a visitor's session will be logged, but the visitor will remain anonymous to us.

While aggregate statistical reports may be generated based on site usage, no personally identifiable information will ever be disseminated to any unaffiliated third party.

LSUS reserves the right to take photos of university students, faculty and staff on campus. These photos may be used in university publications, marketing materials or on university websites.